Georgina & Joe - Oxleaze Barn, Lechlade, Cotswolds

Georgina and Joe's wedding at Oxleaze Barn in the Cotswolds was a vibrant and joyful celebration, reflecting their unique personalities and shared love. The picturesque setting of Oxleaze Barn provided a charming backdrop for their special day, with its rustic architecture and serene gardens enhancing the festive atmosphere.
Georgina, who works for DULUX, infused the day with her keen eye for color and design, resulting in a visually stunning event. The couple's attention to detail was evident in every aspect of the celebration, from the elegant floral arrangements by C. Fleurs Design and Enchanted Floristry, to the exquisite bridal styling by Catherine Taylor Bridal Team.
Photography: @hollyroseweddings
Venue: @oxleazebarn
Floral Design: @cfleursdesign, @enchantedfloristry
Bridal Styling: @catherinetaylorbridalteam